Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Vladmir Propp

Vladmir Propp analysed over one hundred folk tales, in which, interpretating eight different character types. This is useful to identify characters in media productions and realising their role.
1/ The Villain

2/ The donor (preparing the hero, by giving an object or significant information)

3/ Helper (Helps somewhere on the quest)

4/ Princess or prize ( quite often received by the hero, or maybe the victim)

5/ Her father ( Who ives the task to the hero in the first place, or identifies hero)

6/ The dispatcher


8/False hero

This is useful today as this theory can be noticed in recent productions. An example of where this can be identified is in Hot Fuzz, where there is a hero, Nicholas Angel, who distinguises the cause of the high death rate. The villains appear to be a high majority of the local people living in
Sandford. The helper can be seen as Danny Butterman, who enthusiastically
helps PC Angel.

Vladmir Propp also developed a theory on narrative functions of texts. This includes:

  • Preparation
  • Complication
  • Transference
  • Struggle
  • Return
  • Recognition

These functions can relate to many media products and can be recognised within different films.

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