Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Levi Strauss, Binary Oppositions

Levi Strauss

Strauss proposes the theory of binary oppositions which we can relate to many texts, this may be useful when constructing our own trailer as we can develop similar ideas. Binary opposites are the differences between two groups, such as young and old, entrapment and escapism, good and evil etc. There is quite often a mockery toward one of the oppositions, such as black and white - black most often portrayed as the inferior group, whilst the white opposition overpowering them. An example of young Vs old would be Levis ''Pool Hall'' advert:


We have decided to produce a trailer for the beginning of a film; this will also include ancillary products, being a magazine and a poster. In order to understand the conventions and produce a realistic set, i will be analysing different trailers. I have resulted in researching different genres, because we have only recently decided to create a trailer, therefore we have not yet decided on a specific genre.

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